Certifur Canada

Certifur Canada provides assurances to buyers and consumers that
animal care standards are being met.

Certifur canada


Certifur Canada has a long history of prioritizing welfares programs and associated certification assessments, aiming to support quality welfare practices and meet supply chain requirements.

The standard guidelines for Canadian mink farms cover a range of topics: management of the farm, accommodation, food and water, health, environmental quality, transportation, humane euthanasia, biosecurity, and animal husbandry.

Third-party verification for the Candian mink sector is being conducted by an internationally recognized, professional auditing company, MSVS Canda Inc.

Certifur canada


The Canadian code of practice for the care and handling of farm-raised fox contains seven sections detailing the responsibilities of the producer: accommodation and housing, biosecurity, food and water, health and welfare management, animal husbandry, humane euthanasia, and transportation.

Third party verification of the Canadian fox sector is being conducted by an internationally recognised professional auditing company, MSVS Canda Inc.

Certifur Canada

Certifur Canada Protocol

Download the Certifur Canada Protocol from this link.